Monday, February 28, 2011

March Munchies

Well I didn't share any recipes for February food holidays, but it's still February technically, so go here and you'll find a healthy enough banana bread recipe that I made for Banana Bread day - which also was Bunco night, and no bread was left!

Now for the goodies that March brings!

National Celery Month - which means hummus galore!
National Flour Month - easy enough
National Nutrition Month
National Noodle Month
National Caffeine Awareness Month

Second Week - Chocolate Chip Cookie week - Yum!
Third Week - American Chocolate Week - Even better
Shrove Tuesday (2011 - March 1) - International Pancake Day

March 1 - National Peanut Butter Lover's Day and National Fruit Compote Day
March 2 - National Banana Creme Pie Day
March 3 - National Cold Cuts Day and Mulled Wine Day
March 4 - National Pound Cake Day
March 5 - National Cheese Doodle Day ??
March 6 - National Frozen Food Day
March 7 - National Cereal Day
March 8 - National Peanut Cluster Day
March 9 - National Crabmeat Day
March 10 - National Blueberry Popover Day
March 12 - National Baked Scallops Day - Gross.
March 13 - Coconut Torte Day
March 14 - National Potato Chip Day
March 15 - National Pears Helene Day
March 16 - National Artichoke Hearts Day - This will be celebrated in my household!
March 17 - Corned Beef and Cabbage Day
March 18 - Oatmeal Cookie Day - I have a great recipe to share!
March 19 - Poultry Day and National Chocolate Caramel Day
March 20 - Bock Beer Day and National Ravioli Day
March 21 - California Strawberry Day...
March 22 - Coq Au Vin Day
March 23 - National Chip and Dip Day
March 24 - National Chocolate Covered Raisins Day
March 25 - Pecan Day; Waffle Day; and National Lobster Newburg Day
March 26 - Spinach Day
March 27 - National Spanish Paella Day
March 28 - Something on a Stick Day - FUN!
March 29 - National Lemon Chiffon Cake Day
March 30 - Turkey Neck Soup Day - I have a lot to explore...
March 31 - Tater Day; Oranges and Lemons Day

It looks like March has some interesting holidays and I better start learning a little more about these culinary creations!
